This week was a great one! So great that I was too tired to get everything uploaded for a Sunday blog! There are quite a few pics at the bottom of this blog --- what a big week! My Precious Peruvian got to meet her Aunt Steph & Uncle Bubba and cousins J and A... and Aunt Mary & Uncle Jack (probably Mamaw & Papaw) and cousins Janice, Johnathon & K! We ate (Thanks Aunt Mary & Uncle Jack for making all of my faves.... Tomato gravy & Biscuits and Gumbo!) and played together and had a great visit! Little Bit did really well, she was off of her schedule with a house full of folks... and she just went right along with it all! She didn't seem bothered by any of it! She had a blast playing with J & A and went to bed worn out every night! Her cousins showed her how to make the Cozy Coupe go REALLY fast, and just what she needed to cook in her little kitchen! Too funny! And, she has all of them wrapped all around her little finger!
She learned all kinds of English words this week, and has learned that she can immitate what everyone says.... sooo "Be careful little mouth what you speak!" has now become the motto at my house! This is great news for her language development! I am so proud of her! And, I am so thankful for God's work in her life! She is making huge strides and doing really well! Everyday is a surprise to me! I think she finally understands that this is home, and this is where we will be. We moved to HER room this week, Mom still sleeps in there with her, but she is in her room..... the first night she didn't sleep as well as she had been, but after that, she has done well! That is a big adjustment too!
This coming weekend Grammie comes, YAY!! We are so excited and can't wait to see her again! We will be showing Grammie what all we can do, and it will be a great time of bonding with Grammie, Mama is so excited!
Well, our week was full and exciting and I will just let the pictures tell the story... sorry if they are kind of random, it was hard to get them all on here in order! Thank you for your continued prayers and love and support, I am so encouraged and blessed!
Cousin Johnathon brought his guitar and played it for my Precious Peruvian... we almost had to take him home with us! She LOVED it, and he even let her play --- good thing the strings are still ok!
What? You want all three of us to smile at the same time?!?
Uncle Jack is my new buddy.... got that big guy wrapped around my little finger! Look, I even got to wear his hat!
Well, a girl can never learn too early.... make the boys take care of the car!
"Sub-One in the Navy Loves Me" -- a sweet gift from Uncle Bubba!
My Precious Peruvian with A & K at Cracker Barrel -- we almost had to take that chair home!
A picture for Grammie... your kids and awesome grandkids!
The Suarez crew...... ya just never know!
God's promise showed bright and beautiful above my house on Friday this week, it was too pretty not to share!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
FINALLY! I am sitting down to write this blog that has been on my heart for the better part of a month now.... but let me just tell you, God said to me just now, "Sit down and write that blog....NOW!" I don't know why NOW, right this minute, but I have learned to listen to that Voice! The prompting from God actually came from a package I received in the mail today..... I have received so many beautiful gifts, of which I am so incredibly thankful and blessed, but today, I received my child's BLESSING! Let me go back a little bit....
About a month ago, I was craving some time with God and something to dig my teeth into and chew on for a bit. (Do you ever do that? Sometimes, you just need something to prompt that growth in your heart that is just dying to spring forth!" So, I went to the Christian bookstore one day and was looking around for something, I didn't even know what I was looking for really... but I thought a book on Christian parenting might be a good place to start. Well, I perused a couple and then saw this one on the end of a row, just as we were about to leave. (My Precious Peruvian doesn't enjoy books quite as much as Mama, YET!) It is called "The Blessing" and it caught my eye b/c of my very own BLESSING, that I had just received. So, I picked it up and perused it a bit, and quickly decided that this must be the book I was supposed to buy that day! Well, as I spent time reading this book, I realized that indeed, God had picked it out for me that day! There are two things that God uses to Bless me primarily.... MUSIC is #1 and books, especially His Word. Well, this book, written by John Trent & Gary Smalley, about 25 years ago, spoke volumes to me! It is all about BLESSING our children just as Isaac did for Jacob. It is this BLESSING that we crave in our lives. We need to hear a blessing from those we love in our daily lives.... it is what makes us who we are, it is what guides us and helps to direct our paths in life. There is a lot more to the book, but this is the basic premise. An example from my own life is this: My Mom alwasy told me that I was going to go to college because she never got to.... well, I didn't really understand all of that when I was young, but as I got old enough to go to college and then graduated with 2 degrees, what exactly that meant for my life..... and what it meant to my Mom to see me fulfill that Blessing she placed on me came to life. She went to work at 3:00 in the morning for a lot of years so that she could somewhat afford to send me to college..... and then she rejoiced with me as I graduated and determined my life's work. (She did hope I would be filthy, stinking rich so that I could buy her a little red Mercedes sports coupe.... but well, that didn't work out! --Sorry Mom!) But, this is an example of a blessing you might give your child.... but as I learned in the book, the BLESSING is much deeper too. There is a blessing for everyone, but sadly some NEVER reeive any blessing at all from their parents, friends, no one! Oh, it is sooo sad to me! But, God is there, ready to give us the blessing that we all need and crave!
I was blessed to have blessings on me.... they were not necessarily given like the steps this book provides, but they were there! The book gives 5 elements to the BLESSING: 1. Meaningful touch, 2. A Spoken (and or written) Message, 3. Attaching High Value, 4. Picturing a Special Future and 5. An Active Committment to make the Special Future happen. These are as the book describes the BLESSING we receive from others.... great book, GO READ IT!! But, God also gives us a BLESSING and speaks a BLESSING over us... it is there in His Word, every time we open it up! And, He uses others in our lives to bring about the other 5 elements of the BLESSING, which is why it is so important for us to surround ourselves with outher believers.
So, as I was reading this book, I realized something spectacular... well spectacular to me anyway! I had titled this Blog "Becca's Blessing" a long time ago, about a year into my adoption journey b/c I knew that this adoption was a BLESSING from God. I had NO idea how God was going to use it, but I intended it to bring Him all honor and glory! What I realized is that God has spoken His BLESSING over me and my little one through this whole journey! All the while, as I waited and waited, and prayed that my little one would come soon, God spoke Blessings to my soul through prayer, His word and the encouragement of others! So many would say, "that is so incredible, I can't believe you are doing that"... "you are so brave, generous, etc...." (I don't really deserve any of that, but God used it for encouragement!) Then, while I was in Peru, so many Peruvians spoke words of BLESSING over me and my child... with things like "She (My Precious Peruvian) is so lucky!" "You have such a good heart, she is going to do great with you!", etc. Wow! The words were like "streams in the desert" to my ears. They washed over me and renewed my spirit! Then, when I arrived home, there have been SOOOOOO MANY words of encouragement and blessing for both of us! So many kind and generous deeds that have BLESSED us and so many who have committed to pray for us and to support us in so many different ways! ALL of this is God's BLESSING that He has given me! WOW!!! I am speechless (well, apparently not according to this blog's length!) but seriously, speechless that God has chosen to BLESS me! In the Old Testament times, the BLESSING was reserved for only ONE son.... thank the good LORD that because of Christ's blood, the BLESSING is for everyone!
Well, as I began processing all of this realization of God's BLESSING being poured out over me, I began to realize that I needed to make sure that I was blessing others. I pray daily that I can do that! And, being a teacher, I believe I have had tons of opportunites to BLESS young people, sometimes I did and sometimes, I have failed..... oh may God remind me of that every day that I walk into the classroom that I have exactly ONE class period with each student to gvie them the BLESSING that some will NEVER receive! I might be the only person even attempting to BLESS them! May I NEVER forget that! BUT NOW, I have the life that I am to pour every ounce of BLESSING God gives me the strength to give, into. My Precious Peruvian. God has given me a life to BLESS and to commit to fulfilling her BLESSING! With this responsiblity heavy on my heart, I began praying that God will give me the BLESSING that I am to pour and pray over her.... and as always HE provides! That leads me to TODAY!
In the mail today, I received the most wonderul present for my Precious Peruvian from a man and woman who poured BLESSINGS into my family. Uncle Jimmy worked with my Dad and for a time was like a Father to my Dad who lost his own Father way too young. Then, as we went to Sunday school and church with Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Lurleen, they spoke BLESSINGS over my brother and I and my sweet Mom too! Well, several years ago, my Grandfather passed away and we asked Uncle Jimmy to do his funeral service. And, God had laid it on my heart to sing... now I LOVE to sing, sing in the choir no problem, but have always been a nervous WRECK about singing solos. But, God laid it on my heart that He had given me this voice to sing with, and that my family needed to know He had given me this gift.... and it was, for me, a gift for my Grandfather. Well, I was a nervous WRECK that day, but Incle Jimmy prayed over me, and spoke words of BLESSING over me that day! It was also during these few days in my hometown that I got to share with Uncle Jimmy that I was adopting a little girl from Peru. I didn't know who she was yet, but that God had it all worked out already. Uncle Jimmy again prayed for me, and spoke a BLESSING over me and told me that he would continue to pray..... OK--- so today's gift was another BLESSING from Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Lurleen! It is a song (again, the thing that speaks MOST to me and my child --- tell me God didn't have that planned!!!) and it is called "I BLESS YOU!" (Now, it is important to note here.... Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Lurleen have NO idea about any of the "Blessing" messages I have been receiving from God! --- Oh my!!! How cool is that!!! In fact, I am going to have to print this blog post and mail it to them, so that they can know, just how they have BLESSED us!) But, this song, as I read it's words, I realized is the BLESSING that I want to pray over and our into my child! I don't know the writer of this song or anything like that, but I will tell you, it is NO accident that however many years ago (and I think it was a lot!) God knew I would be looking for these very words to ecpress the BLESSING that awaited in my heart for my child! I am so overwhelmed with emotion, I don't even know how to put it on paper!! WOW! WOW! WOW! is all I can keep coming up with!! Here are the words to the song --- and now my child's BLESSING --- "I Bless You!"
I bless you with joy and peace and love that won't let go
I bless you with grace and faith and fire in your soul.
I bless you with dreams and visions, most men don't know of.
I bless you with deeper knowledge of our Father's love!
I bless you with joy and laughter.
I bless you with a steadfast faith.
I bless you with the hopes and the dreams that your heart goes after,
I bless you with Amazing Grace.
I bless you with stregth and power, grace through any trial.
I bless you with wisdom and with comfort in your smile.
I bless you with great adventures, journeys yet unknown.
I bless you with a heart gone wild beacuse you are His own!
I bless you with joy and laughter
I bless you with a steadfast faith.
I bless you with the hopes and the dreams that your heart goes after.
I bless you with Amazing Grace.
I bless you with the heart of a warrior, grace to stand and fight.
I bless you with brother (and sisters) who will stand right by your side.
I bless you with courage till the battles have been won.
I bless you with the Faith to hear your Father say... "Well Done!"
Wow! Every word in my heart, already put to music a very LONG time ago... just for me to hear TODAY, and for me to share with my Little One all through life's way! God just spoke words of BLESSING over my sweet one and me too! I don't know if Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Lurleen have read this book I spoke of or not, but this BLESSING they have given me today tells me they learned this lesson a VERY, VERY long time ago! They told me in their card that they used to sing it to their girls..... oh the beauty of the BLESSING! Who are you going to BLESS today?!?! God has someone for each of us to BLESS, and if we listen closely, we just might hear God singing His BLESSING for each one of us too! Who knew the word BLESSING would come to mean so much to me when I picked it for a title for this blog? Thank you, each one for BLESSING me and I pray that I will take each opportunity God gives me to BLESS others! Will you do the same?
About a month ago, I was craving some time with God and something to dig my teeth into and chew on for a bit. (Do you ever do that? Sometimes, you just need something to prompt that growth in your heart that is just dying to spring forth!" So, I went to the Christian bookstore one day and was looking around for something, I didn't even know what I was looking for really... but I thought a book on Christian parenting might be a good place to start. Well, I perused a couple and then saw this one on the end of a row, just as we were about to leave. (My Precious Peruvian doesn't enjoy books quite as much as Mama, YET!) It is called "The Blessing" and it caught my eye b/c of my very own BLESSING, that I had just received. So, I picked it up and perused it a bit, and quickly decided that this must be the book I was supposed to buy that day! Well, as I spent time reading this book, I realized that indeed, God had picked it out for me that day! There are two things that God uses to Bless me primarily.... MUSIC is #1 and books, especially His Word. Well, this book, written by John Trent & Gary Smalley, about 25 years ago, spoke volumes to me! It is all about BLESSING our children just as Isaac did for Jacob. It is this BLESSING that we crave in our lives. We need to hear a blessing from those we love in our daily lives.... it is what makes us who we are, it is what guides us and helps to direct our paths in life. There is a lot more to the book, but this is the basic premise. An example from my own life is this: My Mom alwasy told me that I was going to go to college because she never got to.... well, I didn't really understand all of that when I was young, but as I got old enough to go to college and then graduated with 2 degrees, what exactly that meant for my life..... and what it meant to my Mom to see me fulfill that Blessing she placed on me came to life. She went to work at 3:00 in the morning for a lot of years so that she could somewhat afford to send me to college..... and then she rejoiced with me as I graduated and determined my life's work. (She did hope I would be filthy, stinking rich so that I could buy her a little red Mercedes sports coupe.... but well, that didn't work out! --Sorry Mom!) But, this is an example of a blessing you might give your child.... but as I learned in the book, the BLESSING is much deeper too. There is a blessing for everyone, but sadly some NEVER reeive any blessing at all from their parents, friends, no one! Oh, it is sooo sad to me! But, God is there, ready to give us the blessing that we all need and crave!
I was blessed to have blessings on me.... they were not necessarily given like the steps this book provides, but they were there! The book gives 5 elements to the BLESSING: 1. Meaningful touch, 2. A Spoken (and or written) Message, 3. Attaching High Value, 4. Picturing a Special Future and 5. An Active Committment to make the Special Future happen. These are as the book describes the BLESSING we receive from others.... great book, GO READ IT!! But, God also gives us a BLESSING and speaks a BLESSING over us... it is there in His Word, every time we open it up! And, He uses others in our lives to bring about the other 5 elements of the BLESSING, which is why it is so important for us to surround ourselves with outher believers.
So, as I was reading this book, I realized something spectacular... well spectacular to me anyway! I had titled this Blog "Becca's Blessing" a long time ago, about a year into my adoption journey b/c I knew that this adoption was a BLESSING from God. I had NO idea how God was going to use it, but I intended it to bring Him all honor and glory! What I realized is that God has spoken His BLESSING over me and my little one through this whole journey! All the while, as I waited and waited, and prayed that my little one would come soon, God spoke Blessings to my soul through prayer, His word and the encouragement of others! So many would say, "that is so incredible, I can't believe you are doing that"... "you are so brave, generous, etc...." (I don't really deserve any of that, but God used it for encouragement!) Then, while I was in Peru, so many Peruvians spoke words of BLESSING over me and my child... with things like "She (My Precious Peruvian) is so lucky!" "You have such a good heart, she is going to do great with you!", etc. Wow! The words were like "streams in the desert" to my ears. They washed over me and renewed my spirit! Then, when I arrived home, there have been SOOOOOO MANY words of encouragement and blessing for both of us! So many kind and generous deeds that have BLESSED us and so many who have committed to pray for us and to support us in so many different ways! ALL of this is God's BLESSING that He has given me! WOW!!! I am speechless (well, apparently not according to this blog's length!) but seriously, speechless that God has chosen to BLESS me! In the Old Testament times, the BLESSING was reserved for only ONE son.... thank the good LORD that because of Christ's blood, the BLESSING is for everyone!
Well, as I began processing all of this realization of God's BLESSING being poured out over me, I began to realize that I needed to make sure that I was blessing others. I pray daily that I can do that! And, being a teacher, I believe I have had tons of opportunites to BLESS young people, sometimes I did and sometimes, I have failed..... oh may God remind me of that every day that I walk into the classroom that I have exactly ONE class period with each student to gvie them the BLESSING that some will NEVER receive! I might be the only person even attempting to BLESS them! May I NEVER forget that! BUT NOW, I have the life that I am to pour every ounce of BLESSING God gives me the strength to give, into. My Precious Peruvian. God has given me a life to BLESS and to commit to fulfilling her BLESSING! With this responsiblity heavy on my heart, I began praying that God will give me the BLESSING that I am to pour and pray over her.... and as always HE provides! That leads me to TODAY!
In the mail today, I received the most wonderul present for my Precious Peruvian from a man and woman who poured BLESSINGS into my family. Uncle Jimmy worked with my Dad and for a time was like a Father to my Dad who lost his own Father way too young. Then, as we went to Sunday school and church with Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Lurleen, they spoke BLESSINGS over my brother and I and my sweet Mom too! Well, several years ago, my Grandfather passed away and we asked Uncle Jimmy to do his funeral service. And, God had laid it on my heart to sing... now I LOVE to sing, sing in the choir no problem, but have always been a nervous WRECK about singing solos. But, God laid it on my heart that He had given me this voice to sing with, and that my family needed to know He had given me this gift.... and it was, for me, a gift for my Grandfather. Well, I was a nervous WRECK that day, but Incle Jimmy prayed over me, and spoke words of BLESSING over me that day! It was also during these few days in my hometown that I got to share with Uncle Jimmy that I was adopting a little girl from Peru. I didn't know who she was yet, but that God had it all worked out already. Uncle Jimmy again prayed for me, and spoke a BLESSING over me and told me that he would continue to pray..... OK--- so today's gift was another BLESSING from Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Lurleen! It is a song (again, the thing that speaks MOST to me and my child --- tell me God didn't have that planned!!!) and it is called "I BLESS YOU!" (Now, it is important to note here.... Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Lurleen have NO idea about any of the "Blessing" messages I have been receiving from God! --- Oh my!!! How cool is that!!! In fact, I am going to have to print this blog post and mail it to them, so that they can know, just how they have BLESSED us!) But, this song, as I read it's words, I realized is the BLESSING that I want to pray over and our into my child! I don't know the writer of this song or anything like that, but I will tell you, it is NO accident that however many years ago (and I think it was a lot!) God knew I would be looking for these very words to ecpress the BLESSING that awaited in my heart for my child! I am so overwhelmed with emotion, I don't even know how to put it on paper!! WOW! WOW! WOW! is all I can keep coming up with!! Here are the words to the song --- and now my child's BLESSING --- "I Bless You!"
I bless you with joy and peace and love that won't let go
I bless you with grace and faith and fire in your soul.
I bless you with dreams and visions, most men don't know of.
I bless you with deeper knowledge of our Father's love!
I bless you with joy and laughter.
I bless you with a steadfast faith.
I bless you with the hopes and the dreams that your heart goes after,
I bless you with Amazing Grace.
I bless you with stregth and power, grace through any trial.
I bless you with wisdom and with comfort in your smile.
I bless you with great adventures, journeys yet unknown.
I bless you with a heart gone wild beacuse you are His own!
I bless you with joy and laughter
I bless you with a steadfast faith.
I bless you with the hopes and the dreams that your heart goes after.
I bless you with Amazing Grace.
I bless you with the heart of a warrior, grace to stand and fight.
I bless you with brother (and sisters) who will stand right by your side.
I bless you with courage till the battles have been won.
I bless you with the Faith to hear your Father say... "Well Done!"
Wow! Every word in my heart, already put to music a very LONG time ago... just for me to hear TODAY, and for me to share with my Little One all through life's way! God just spoke words of BLESSING over my sweet one and me too! I don't know if Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Lurleen have read this book I spoke of or not, but this BLESSING they have given me today tells me they learned this lesson a VERY, VERY long time ago! They told me in their card that they used to sing it to their girls..... oh the beauty of the BLESSING! Who are you going to BLESS today?!?! God has someone for each of us to BLESS, and if we listen closely, we just might hear God singing His BLESSING for each one of us too! Who knew the word BLESSING would come to mean so much to me when I picked it for a title for this blog? Thank you, each one for BLESSING me and I pray that I will take each opportunity God gives me to BLESS others! Will you do the same?
Sunday, June 12, 2011
A Few Tough Days!
It has been a tough week! There I said it! Mama is tired! Oh, but how My God supplies ALL of my needs! And, this too shall pass! This week was tough because Little Bit wasn't feeling well! The hard part was that Little Bit couldn't tell me she wasn't feeling well! We made an unexpected trip to the pediatrician's office on Thursday and are thankfully on the road to feeling better really soon! And, oh how I hope so! It is so hard to see your child in obvious discomfort and pain! I didn't know how hard it could be, but I have seen it this week! We have cried together! But, she is doing better now and will hopefully be improving a lot more really soon! On top of that, Mama had to have round 2 of steroids for the allergic reaction to sunscreen and now the dog is having allergy problems because she likes to eat EVERYTHING my Precious Peruvian allows to fall on the floor! So, tomorrow, the doggie gets to go to the doctor too! And, thankfully, it looks like round 2 of the steroids worked for Mama this time!
We did have some fun this week though! On Tuesday we went to our frist music class with our friend M. at Gymboree! And, on Wednesday we went to art class there! My Precious Peruvian loves some music and art and is quickly learning how to do new things! On Monday we had lunch with Tia Gia, then our speech therapy evaluation and Little Bit did very well, and turns out she is exactly where we thought she was. Thank you for those prayers. We will set an action plan this week. We have learned to ask for some things this week! What an answer to prayer! We have learned to ask "Again" when we want to hear something again.... we have listened to Mickey's Countdown at least a million times this week.... but when asked for it, she gets it! This week, if she asks for it, she gets it! We'll work on reversing that later on! :-) But for now, it is good that she is beginning to ask for things! She asked me for help for the first time this week and asked for more water and several other things too! We are also working on saying when we don't want something... this has been a little bit harder battle! We will continue working on though little bit by little bit! I am just so excited for the strides she has made this week in spite of not feeling well!
Please continue to pray for us! This week has been a tough one! Mama is tired, please pray for God to give me more stength and wisdom and a limitless supply of grace! Please also continue to pray for our attachment and bonding! Little bit is becoming more and more secure in her surroundings and this is a great sign that she is attaching! Thank you for those continued prayers for that and resiliency! While in Peru, when she was not feeling good, she was very shut down.... this week in spite of not feeling well, she was still very open to me and sought out comfort from me! She didn't even give the pediatrician a frowny face this time! She didn't like it one bit and fought still, but when all was said and done, she said Bye, Bye and we went on with our day! So, thank you for those prayers of resiliency, AGAIN!
Here are a few pics from our week at home(apparently, I talk on the phone a LOT!) and Gymboree, thanks Tia Alison for taking pics! And, thanks to Miss Ena & our friend E. for the awesome Minnie Mouse sun glasses.... we LOVE them!!!
We did have some fun this week though! On Tuesday we went to our frist music class with our friend M. at Gymboree! And, on Wednesday we went to art class there! My Precious Peruvian loves some music and art and is quickly learning how to do new things! On Monday we had lunch with Tia Gia, then our speech therapy evaluation and Little Bit did very well, and turns out she is exactly where we thought she was. Thank you for those prayers. We will set an action plan this week. We have learned to ask for some things this week! What an answer to prayer! We have learned to ask "Again" when we want to hear something again.... we have listened to Mickey's Countdown at least a million times this week.... but when asked for it, she gets it! This week, if she asks for it, she gets it! We'll work on reversing that later on! :-) But for now, it is good that she is beginning to ask for things! She asked me for help for the first time this week and asked for more water and several other things too! We are also working on saying when we don't want something... this has been a little bit harder battle! We will continue working on though little bit by little bit! I am just so excited for the strides she has made this week in spite of not feeling well!
Please continue to pray for us! This week has been a tough one! Mama is tired, please pray for God to give me more stength and wisdom and a limitless supply of grace! Please also continue to pray for our attachment and bonding! Little bit is becoming more and more secure in her surroundings and this is a great sign that she is attaching! Thank you for those continued prayers for that and resiliency! While in Peru, when she was not feeling good, she was very shut down.... this week in spite of not feeling well, she was still very open to me and sought out comfort from me! She didn't even give the pediatrician a frowny face this time! She didn't like it one bit and fought still, but when all was said and done, she said Bye, Bye and we went on with our day! So, thank you for those prayers of resiliency, AGAIN!
Here are a few pics from our week at home(apparently, I talk on the phone a LOT!) and Gymboree, thanks Tia Alison for taking pics! And, thanks to Miss Ena & our friend E. for the awesome Minnie Mouse sun glasses.... we LOVE them!!!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Wow! Today is the 2nd Month Anniversary of our sweet Blessing Day! Oh my goodness, I can hardly believe it myself! Additionally, this past week, we celebrated the 1 month home mark.... and whew! What a busy week it has been! But, this week, I have stepped back to remember where my Precious Peruvian was two months ago today, she is definitely NOT the same child!! Oh My goodness, if I could only put into words all of the changes and strides she has made, in spite of insurmounting changes and moving to a new country, leaving the only 6 people she had ever known, moving to a place where everyone (it seems) speaks English to her, and then all of the newness of what is around her.... Oh my! I am overshelmed!! Seriously, My Precious Peruvian is doing incredibly well! I can hardly believe it myself! I won't say we haven't been working hard on some things, because we have, however, she just is not the same child scared of anyone new to her, she isn't the same child that lived in a shell, she is AMAZING! I need to find some way to put into words how well she is doing so that I can remember it, but it is almost impossible to do so! If I have ever seen a complete 180 degree turn, she is it!
We met with the International Adoption Clinic again this week, and again, thank you for those prayers! It was a much better visit! Thank you God! But, no one had to examine her! She did see a developmental specialist, who put her developmental progress into a good clear picture for me. The other HUGE praise is that she does Diagnostic testing for one of the things that was said might be an issue for my Precious Peruvian, and this Developmental Specialist said... "No Way!" She wouldn't give my child that diagnosis for nothing..... she said, there is "No way she could have any part of it!" What an amazing answer to prayer! I know, you are wondering what in the world I am talking about, but for my Precious One's privacy, I am going to not put that on the blog... you can ask me and I will be glad to tell you just how BIG our God is!! But, all praises be to Him for this great answer to prayer! My Little One is still a good bit behind where she "should be", but with some more hard work and love and dedication, I am sure she will continue making strides!
We have also had a great week with some new friends! We went to the zoo with our friend E. last weekend, and on Monday we went to play in M's pool! The awesome Parker family had us over for dinner, and boy was it yummy!! Then M. and my Precious Peruvian played this week at Gymboree! Gymboree has an awesome Mom & Me program during the summer months and we are LOVING it! We get to go play, and this week we will start a music and art class! The best part is, Little Bit gets to try out lots of new things in a safe and fun environment where she won't get hurt! She is learning to climb a ladder, jump, etc. I was reminded this week as she was crawling through a tunnel, which they did have at her orphanage, that it was how we met each other for the first time! Oh what joy it was to see her coming through with a smile on her face as if it were the easiest thing she had ever done! She was really afraid to do it, and had to be coaxed through the tunnel on the day that I met her... not this day! So amazing!
So, yes, this is our busy but amazing week! She is doing great! The attachment is coming along very well, and then there are some days, like today, that we just stay close to home! However, we did go to church today! Again, she did well in her SS class, but Mama drug her to big church to hear our prospective pastor preach... and she did great then too! She was even trying to sing "Mighty to Save" with Mama, and a couple of other songs too! So cute! So amazing how she just new "God was in this place!" Church is one of the places I don't have to talk her into getting out of her carseat, she jumps right out and is ready to go! Oh, thank you Lord!! I am sure not every Sunday will work out so well, but God has been so good and so gracious!
Thank you for your continued prayers! This week, we start with Speech Therapy evaluation, as this is her biggest and most challenging delay! She is "talking" a lot, a whole lot more than she did when I first met her, but we aren't there yet with words! She struggles with expressing her needs, and this is partly because when an orphan has a need and expresses it, said need, may or may not get answered.... so a lot of orphans just stop saying what they need. So Sad! This is the hardest part for me as a Mama, I don't know what to do for her sometimes! I worry she gets enough to drink or eat or whatever b/c she doesn't know how to ask for it! So, as you continue to pray for our attachment and bonding, and resiliency for Little Bit, would you please add this to your prayers, prayers for her to learn to express her needs! (This is dangerous too though! In a few months, I might be asking for you to pray she stops talking! :-)) But, in all truthfulness, this is an area of great struggle for her... she wants to, she just can't quite make the words come yet... so thank you for your prayers here!
And, as always, I am so incredibly GRATEFUL for your thoughts and prayers! I feel so incredibly BLESSED to be able to share our journey with others! I was also reminded this week of how short this life is! A colleage at work lost his battle with cancer last weekend, please pray for his family during this diffiuclt time, and pray that we will all celebrate life because God is the Giver and He is so full of LOVE and compassion for each one of us! Below are some pics from our week!
Our first meeting 2 months ago.... Now just look at her! All thanks be to God!
We met with the International Adoption Clinic again this week, and again, thank you for those prayers! It was a much better visit! Thank you God! But, no one had to examine her! She did see a developmental specialist, who put her developmental progress into a good clear picture for me. The other HUGE praise is that she does Diagnostic testing for one of the things that was said might be an issue for my Precious Peruvian, and this Developmental Specialist said... "No Way!" She wouldn't give my child that diagnosis for nothing..... she said, there is "No way she could have any part of it!" What an amazing answer to prayer! I know, you are wondering what in the world I am talking about, but for my Precious One's privacy, I am going to not put that on the blog... you can ask me and I will be glad to tell you just how BIG our God is!! But, all praises be to Him for this great answer to prayer! My Little One is still a good bit behind where she "should be", but with some more hard work and love and dedication, I am sure she will continue making strides!
We have also had a great week with some new friends! We went to the zoo with our friend E. last weekend, and on Monday we went to play in M's pool! The awesome Parker family had us over for dinner, and boy was it yummy!! Then M. and my Precious Peruvian played this week at Gymboree! Gymboree has an awesome Mom & Me program during the summer months and we are LOVING it! We get to go play, and this week we will start a music and art class! The best part is, Little Bit gets to try out lots of new things in a safe and fun environment where she won't get hurt! She is learning to climb a ladder, jump, etc. I was reminded this week as she was crawling through a tunnel, which they did have at her orphanage, that it was how we met each other for the first time! Oh what joy it was to see her coming through with a smile on her face as if it were the easiest thing she had ever done! She was really afraid to do it, and had to be coaxed through the tunnel on the day that I met her... not this day! So amazing!
So, yes, this is our busy but amazing week! She is doing great! The attachment is coming along very well, and then there are some days, like today, that we just stay close to home! However, we did go to church today! Again, she did well in her SS class, but Mama drug her to big church to hear our prospective pastor preach... and she did great then too! She was even trying to sing "Mighty to Save" with Mama, and a couple of other songs too! So cute! So amazing how she just new "God was in this place!" Church is one of the places I don't have to talk her into getting out of her carseat, she jumps right out and is ready to go! Oh, thank you Lord!! I am sure not every Sunday will work out so well, but God has been so good and so gracious!
Thank you for your continued prayers! This week, we start with Speech Therapy evaluation, as this is her biggest and most challenging delay! She is "talking" a lot, a whole lot more than she did when I first met her, but we aren't there yet with words! She struggles with expressing her needs, and this is partly because when an orphan has a need and expresses it, said need, may or may not get answered.... so a lot of orphans just stop saying what they need. So Sad! This is the hardest part for me as a Mama, I don't know what to do for her sometimes! I worry she gets enough to drink or eat or whatever b/c she doesn't know how to ask for it! So, as you continue to pray for our attachment and bonding, and resiliency for Little Bit, would you please add this to your prayers, prayers for her to learn to express her needs! (This is dangerous too though! In a few months, I might be asking for you to pray she stops talking! :-)) But, in all truthfulness, this is an area of great struggle for her... she wants to, she just can't quite make the words come yet... so thank you for your prayers here!
And, as always, I am so incredibly GRATEFUL for your thoughts and prayers! I feel so incredibly BLESSED to be able to share our journey with others! I was also reminded this week of how short this life is! A colleage at work lost his battle with cancer last weekend, please pray for his family during this diffiuclt time, and pray that we will all celebrate life because God is the Giver and He is so full of LOVE and compassion for each one of us! Below are some pics from our week!
Our first meeting 2 months ago.... Now just look at her! All thanks be to God!
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