Well, I am still waiting! I suppose in the grand scheme of things it really hasn't been that long... but it already seems like an eternity! I was talking with a friend the other day who, along with her husband, are just beginning their adoption journey..... she called my current situation "The Waiting Room"..... and while I have said all along that there is a labor process whether you have your child born from your tummy or born from your heart. Well, this is the part of the "labor process" I thought would be ok, but you know, everytime the phone rings, I jump up and get it, I look for an e-mail EVERY day, at least 10 times a day!! Why is waiting so hard? Not sure about that, but I can say I have NEVER been good at waiting, which means, I might be in for the "longhaul"! :-) Just kidding, God is good ALL the TIME!And, I know that he has this perfect timing in his hands!
I will say, I have made the wait a little better, by SHOPPING! :-) I have picked out her bed, it is on order. I am re-finishing a chest of drawers for her room, (a project being temporarily put on hold for sinus surgery.... PLEASE don't tell the Dr. that I was sanding furniture 3 days before sinus surgery!!) And, then, I have hit some really great consignment sales..... so getting ready certainly has helped!
Thank you for your continued prayers! Please pray for the following:
1. Please pray for God's perfect timing (even IF it isn't my own!)
2. Please pray for the social workers and Peruvian Government officials who are matching my child and me.
3. Please pray for resliency for my little girl, pray for her sweet spirit and that God will continue to prepare our hearts for one another, so that when we meet attachment will be a smooth transition for her!
4. Please pray for strength for me as I travel though this journey of waiting... Unconditional Faith..... I am learning a lot!
5. And, if you have a minute, please pray for my sinus surgery! :-)