And on earth, peace, among those with whom he is pleased." Luke 2:14
I am a Mom!!
As I was pondering over this blog, this one verse kept coming to my mind! You see God is so faithful! I have always known God was faithful, but was He REALLY faithful? The answer is YES! Those "Mustard Seeds" I keep telling you about.... well, it is true, anyone with even that small of faith can say: " this mountain, MOVE and it will MOVE!" There were times that I felt like I was staring straight at the entire Andes Mountain Chain that needed some moving..... and guess what, they were ALL moved yesterday! ( I didn't find out until today... and even that was a story of requiring some more faith!) God is faithful, He REALLY is faithful!!
A friend e-mailed me yesterday about something she learned about in a study of the Patriarchs... Beth Moore calls it a "God Show". Well, let me tell you a little bit about the "God Show"! I woke up from a dream this morning that told me I should buy size 2 clothes.... that is what size she is! Then, there was finally the post of the results from yesterday's meeting.... well, some more faith, the agency is closed and I was trying desperately to get in touch with my Social Worker to find out for sure about the results.... every time I prayed for God to lay it on the person's heart that I needed to hear from, within minutes ....LITERALLY.... they called me! Then, the call that said everything was official.... the greatest news of my life! Then, the icing on the cake, I got to go tell my Mom she was going to be a Grammie again, IN PERSON! I live 12 hours from my Mom, no other time of the year would I have been able to go to her work and tell her in person! Then, we got to celebrate together tonight! And, God has brought beauty from the ashes, as today is the 11 year anniversary of my Father's passing....that is a show that only GOD can put on! I had always heard of all these little confirmations and adoption news happening on significant dates... but I never really thought that, that would be MY story.... guess what, I WAS WRONG! God, has used every single life event in my life, to bring me to this very special day.... and to shine HIS GLORY for all to see!
I am so humbled to even be a part of this BIG plan that God has! I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is mine... b/c I only prayed for God's will to be done! It is in complete surrender (which only comes from brokenness) that I told the Lord, I only wanted for His will to be done..... and HE gave me more than I could ever think or imagine! "Lord, who am I that you are mindful of me?" So, it is with Mary that I say:
" My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed, for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name." Luke 1:46-49
I can only imagine how Mary felt when God MOVED to bring His Son into the world! What an amazing and challenging task for a young woman! God found her faithful! And, because she was willing to answer His call, Jesus came to earth so that we might have life eternal. He could have dropped out of the sky to sit on whatever throne he wanted to on earth and take over with the snap of his fingers.... instead, he decided to come as a baby, completely dependent for food and nourishment and all of life's other necessities so that you and I might see the "God Show" unfold! While I am so incredibly BLESSED to have this precious gift in my life for Christmas, I would be remiss if I didn't share what was really on my heart! "Lord, thank you for sending your son, as a baby, for Mary & Joseph to keep for a while, so that because of His life, death and resurrection, I have the gift of walking this journey with my little one! For, if it were not for Christ saving me, I, in and of myself, would have NEVER chosen this path... it is only because He first LOVED me, that I am able to LOVE!
May you all experience the LOVE that surrounds you and know HIS LOVE for you this very day because Christmas isn't about all the gifts beneath the tree.... it is all about LOVE! May LOVE find you and may you find the JOY in LOVING others! Merry Christmas!
PS Thank you for all of your faithful prayers and LOVE! I am blessed beyond measure!