She went to visit her new school for a couple of hours every day this past week and by the end of the week was beginning to play with the other children there and she began to participate in the activities! They tell me that she LOVES snack time, including blue JELLO which she ate 3 cups of the other day! She has also eaten a host of other things that Mama can't get her to eat at home! Too Funny! She is coming a long very well, and I think our attachment is still going well! She has really begun challenging me on everything from putting on shoes to going to sleep; as hard as this is, it is good that she challenges me. I do have to remind myself of that though because after about a month of this, Mama is tired and her patience is running out! (PLEASE, don't pray for patience for me! :-) ---- Grace, I need lots of Grace, and still more wisdom! I was reminded at church today, that I might be the only Jesus that my child ever sees.... while I don't think that will be so, I do think that she should be able to see Jesus in me FIRST! I must confess that sometimes it has been really hard to be like Jesus! I am reminded daily, that I need Jesus to help me with parenting! My Precious Peruvian is a beautiful little one, with a sweet heart, a ready smile and laugh.... and the girl LOVES her some Mickey & Minnie Mouse.... but some days we both struggle with this part of the process! So many have said, well, she is a typical 3 year old.... some kids have their "terrible 2's" when they are 3.... and yes this is partly true too. She is passing through some developmental stages (A GREAT thing) and she is beginning to practice her own independence--- that is a GREAT thing.... just sometimes hard! And, she has had even more changes...we moved to her room before my family came in June, then after Grammie left, Mama moved back to her own room... making my heart sad, probably the first time she had EVER slept in a room alone! Then we started school this we keep pressing on! And, while we hit a few bumps in the road from time to time, we are doing REALLY well! Her Spanish language skills have completely exploded! She is using a lot more words and she has even begun asking for things! Yay! She even asks for things sometimes when she doesn't really want it, just to see if she will get it! We are working on TELLING Mama that she has to go to the potty, but beyond that she would be potty trained! If I ask her now, a lot of times she will tell me yes or no, sometimes accurately! She has come a long way with that! Bravo!
This week, we start going to school for a bit longer at a time. Please pray that she will continue to love going to school and that she has a good week. We also have 2 Dr's appointments. We have to re-visit the eye Dr.... this appointment did NOT go well last time (no fault of the Dr at all!), when her eyes were dialated, she just did not understand what was going on and all the machines looked so big.... sad! And, on Tuesday we see another specialist regarding her physical motor skills. We had to book this appointment over 2 months ago, so please pray that all goes well! Please pray for her during this time, she has so many changes going on, in fact every day seems to bring changes for her! Please pray for me, Mama is tired! I LOVE being a Mama, but it is very tiring sometimes! I need prayers specifically for wisdom, strength and grace! I need grace for her and for me! Please pray that God will continue to show me how to be a Godly parent! I want more than anything to be the Mom that HE wants me to be, and sometimes I fail miserably.... so please pray that I will keep my focus on HIM and remember that I can NOT do it all on my own! And, this is in all seriousness... please pray for Mia and my Precious Peruvian to get along and for all to calm down there! Neither one is too happy about the other being here and having the same Mama! I know one day they will get used to each other! The good thing is that Mia isn't agressive towards her.... in fact she even went to check on Little Bit when she fell out of bed the other night! Good girl, Mia.... one day they will be inseperable! :-)
Thank you for your continued prayers! I am sure that there is a ton of stuff I have left out of the last month! I will try to be better about keeping up with the blog! And, all glory be to God for the great things HE has done in our lives in the last 3 months! I am astounded every day at just how far my Little One has come since the first day I met her! That is only God, it certainly hasn't been of my doing! Thank you Lord for your goodness to us! Below are some pics of us over the last few weeks!