What a day! I hardly no where to begin! But, first I want to get a little historical.... it was on this day 5 years ago that I knew God's call for adoption had been placed on my life! I was singing in the choir and while some may not believe me, I heard an audible voice say to me, as another single mother was dedicating her adopted daughter, "You can do this!" It was so audible that I turned to the person next to me in the choir loft and said "What did you say?" to which that person replied.... "What are you talking aobut, I didn't say anything?" Well, I knew what had been said, and I knew that God had started many years ago working on my heart regarding adoption! At the time, 5 years ago, I had absolutely NO idea how in the world this adoption calling was going to work out! God is sooo good, and He had it ALL in His hands from the minute I said YES to this calling! I can hardly believe the twists and turns that this journey has taken me on! But, oh what joy God brought me TODAY as I look back on that crooked and broken road and see just where He has brought me from! 2 years and 8 months ago when I filled out the application for my agency, I had to give my testimony in the application. (Lifeline is a Christian based agency.) In re-reading this testimony before I turned in my application, I realized how EVERY SINGLE event, good and bad, lined up to prepare me for this process and for bringing my Precious Peruvian home! Even as I was praying over her file, was approved by Peru to adopt her, even her Blessing Day, are all significant dates in my life. Even down to the fact that her state's flag is a flag that is the colors of the rainbow.... when I was a teenager I belonged to an organization for young women called Rainbow Girls (and just like the people from Cusco, I get real upset when the rainbow flag is used for those choosing a different lifestyle!) Cusco's flag is all 7 colors of the rainbow... just like Rainbow Girls! In Rainbow Girls each color stood for something Love, Religion, Nature, Patriotism...etc..... it was Religion's verse that first instilled in me who God's heart was for! The scripture used with this particular lesson is this "Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is to care for ORPHANS and widows in their affliction..... " James 1:27. Amazing how over 25 years ago, this lesson was instilled in my heart and today it has come to fruition! Oh, How big is our GOD! I could have never even began to think or imagine the magnitude of what God would do! And, He is still working! To God be the Glory for the Great things HE has done --- and has yet to do! I am so incredibly humbled that He found me even remotely faithful for this task of motherhood! But, my "Mustard Seed" of faith was all HE needed to move the mountains and prepare the way to my Precious Peruvian!
Today is my first Mother's Day so I don't really have anything to compare it too... but it was the best day a VERY NEW adoptive Mom could ask for! My Precious Peruvian had such a great day! She laughed so hard and had such a great time! I am so thankful to the MANY who have wished me a Happy Mother's Day via e-mail, phone calls, texts, Facebook, and cards! And, to my friends who took me to lunch today complete with yummy cake, and then to my friends who brought dinner, and helped me eat that yummy cake.... THANK YOU!!! What a blessing you all were to me today! At lunch, my Precious Peruvian got to meet and play with her new friend Maggie! She even called Maggie by name and while at the park, she spontaneously gave Maggie a big hug! Maggie taught her how to walk up the slide (with Mom's help of course!) to drive the toy jeep, to play the music --- you could hear both girls laughing hysterically at the music! Maggie showed her how to swing from the monkey bars made just for toddlers, and all the ropes of this new playground! She had such a great time! Then we came home and Little Bit stayed in her bed, but didn't nap.... we finally had a snack and then went to walk Mia, a part of our daily routine! She learned about her Little Tykes cozy coup the other day.... well, she wanted to ride in it today! I was just trying to talk her into walking, but she actually got it out of its parking spot on the porch... not an easy feat... and so well, she got to ride for all of her hard work! She loved it! Our other friends (neighbors) got their cozy coup out and off we went.... two Mamas, two cozy coups with two little internationally adopted girls, and two dogs! We were a sight to behold and the girls just LOVED it! She also started trying to say Elizabeth's name ( a little harder to say though!) and gave her a big hug! Before long, my Precious Peruvian can push her own car with her feet and Mama will be glad! Then we had two friends over for dinner, our friends who helped keep Mia while Mama was gone to Peru! She even did great through dinner, belly laughing and everything! This is the first time she has done her "belly laugh" (you can't help but laugh yourself when she does this laugh!) and oh how it did this Mama's heart good to hear it again! What a great present for this Mamá... to see her little girl so happy on such a beautiful day! Happy Mother's Day to Me! I couldn't have asked for anything more!
She is adjusting pretty well! We had a few rough days since we got home, but nothing REALLY bad! In fact, yesterday we had our very first day without "Papa Lay".... and as I was thinking "Wow! We made it through a day with no Papa Lay, she was laying in bed (not going to sleep) saying "Papa Lay, Papa Lay" ---- a dagger to a new Mama's heart! :-) But, she didn't get any yesterday! She did get some from Tia Gia y Tio Joey when they came for dinner tonight..... instant friends! :-) We are taking each day one at a time, and each day seems to be better than the day before! Today was a great day, so we'll keep working for more of those! :-)Thank you for your continued prayers, for your love and encouragement and support for us! It has been such a HUGE blessing, I will NEVER be able to tell you how much of a blessing it is to me! I am sure that there are lots of Moms out there who feel this way, but I can say I am one of the MOST blessed Mama's on this Mothers Day!
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there. Brand new Moms, Moms who have given us such wisdom and courage, Adoptive Moms, Birthmoms, Moms to Be, and those who have been like a Mom to us! What a beautiful thing when God chose to bring His own Son into the world through a Mother.... what a joyous and amazing gift He gave us in Jesus, so that we might might be "adopted" ---"chosen" heirs with Christ!