On the Journey With My Chosen One!

I am sure you might wonder why I call her chosen rather than adopted.... well, adopted is just her physical condition, CHOSEN is what we both are to be a family together! God is so rich in His Blessings, and He has chosen each of us from before the time we were knit in our mother's womb to be a FOREVER family! How BIG is that? How BIG is our God!?! Thank you for following our journey and for praying for us as we wait and continue to grow in the love of God! -- Blessings!

Liliana's Verses

Matthew 17:20 - " ... For truly I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain: "Move from here to there", and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you."

Zephaniah 3:17 - The Lord your God is with you. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.

Proverbs 3:5-6 ~ Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.

Jeremiah 29:11 ~ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Few Tough Days!

It has been a tough week! There I said it! Mama is tired! Oh, but how My God supplies ALL of my needs! And, this too shall pass! This week was tough because Little Bit wasn't feeling well! The hard part was that Little Bit couldn't tell me she wasn't feeling well! We made an unexpected trip to the pediatrician's office on Thursday and are thankfully on the road to feeling better really soon! And, oh how I hope so! It is so hard to see your child in obvious discomfort and pain! I didn't know how hard it could be, but I have seen it this week! We have cried together! But, she is doing better now and will hopefully be improving a lot more really soon! On top of that, Mama had to have round 2 of steroids for the allergic reaction to sunscreen and now the dog is having allergy problems because she likes to eat EVERYTHING my Precious Peruvian allows to fall on the floor! So, tomorrow, the doggie gets to go to the doctor too! And, thankfully, it looks like round 2 of the steroids worked for Mama this time!

We did have some fun this week though! On Tuesday we went to our frist music class with our friend M. at Gymboree! And, on Wednesday we went to art class there! My Precious Peruvian loves some music and art and is quickly learning how to do new things! On Monday we had lunch with Tia Gia, then our speech therapy evaluation and Little Bit did very well, and turns out she is exactly where we thought she was. Thank you for those prayers. We will set an action plan this week. We have learned to ask for some things this week! What an answer to prayer! We have learned to ask "Again" when we want to hear something again.... we have listened to Mickey's Countdown at least a million times this week.... but when asked for it, she gets it! This week, if she asks for it, she gets it! We'll work on reversing that later on! :-) But for now, it is good that she is beginning to ask for things! She asked me for help for the first time this week and asked for more water and several other things too! We are also working on saying when we don't want something... this has been a little bit harder battle! We will continue working on though little bit by little bit! I am just so excited for the strides she has made this week in spite of not feeling well!

Please continue to pray for us! This week has been a tough one! Mama is tired, please pray for God to give me more stength and wisdom and a limitless supply of grace! Please also continue to pray for our attachment and bonding! Little bit is becoming more and more secure in her surroundings and this is a great sign that she is attaching! Thank you for those continued prayers for that and resiliency! While in Peru, when she was not feeling good, she was very shut down.... this week in spite of not feeling well, she was still very open to me and sought out comfort from me! She didn't even give the pediatrician a frowny face this time! She didn't like it one bit and fought still, but when all was said and done, she said Bye, Bye and we went on with our day! So, thank you for those prayers of resiliency, AGAIN!

Here are a few pics from our week at home(apparently, I talk on the phone a LOT!) and Gymboree, thanks Tia Alison for taking pics! And, thanks to Miss Ena & our friend E. for the awesome Minnie Mouse sun glasses.... we LOVE them!!!