Then, it was time to find dinner..... which required another restaurant... although this time we got it to go, but she was still willing to go into this second place. (Not the same one that she has not liked since the beginning) She did well while in there, she played and ran form Point A to Mamá..... and was ok with the wait. However, this restaurant was across the street from the store that sells the Papa Lay.... well, she knows where this store is and exactly where those chips are in the store..... so you guessed it! We had to make a stop and buy some more Papa Lay! Oh well..... again, it is something we can work on weening her off of when we get home! :-) For now, these chips help her make some big strides in her accepting her new life! So, we'll keep giving them to her, maybe tomorrow we can get away with only one bag! :-)
Well, today was the Adoption Resolution..... here in Peru this doesn't involve court or anything like that! In fact, I didn't even do anything except call the psychologist for the 4th time to be sure I didn't have to do anything! This means that the paperwork is sent to Lima, signed by the National Secretary of Adoptions and then overnighted back here to Cusco for my signature. Tomorrow is the Day of Silence.... this is a day where anyone could contest the adoption. However, praise be to God, this is just a formality! Then Thursday & Friday are holidays here in Cusco in celebration of Holy Week.... so nothing official will happen until Monday. On Monday, the 25th, I will go and officially sign papers, and have her birth certificate re-printed with her new name! Yay! Then we will fly back to Lima HOPEFULLY on the 26th, please pray for this as we have our flight reservations already booked for this day! Then, it will be a crazy few days of getting paperwork to the Embassy, the Consulate for her US Visa and Immigration for her Peruvian passport. Then, we will hopefully get to fly home sometime around the 2nd of May!
So, we are looking forward to traveling to Machu Pichu on Thursday, it is about a 2-3hour drive from here. We'll have a driver, not to worry! We are taking our own driver so that if she (or Mamá... not Grammie) gets tired, fussy or upset, we can leave and aren't bound to a tour group. But, we'll go visit that and maybe stop at a market along the way. There are many things here that I haven't had a chance to see yet, so we'll spend some time doing that as well! Tomorrow, we'll take my Precious Peruvian to the supermarket a little bit like Wal-Mart.... so we'll see how she does with that!And, then maybe the park or a petting zoo!
Today I am thanking God for your continued prayers! We are definitely feeling them! I think Grammie is having a great time and she is doing well with the altitude and everything! Actually, way better than I did! I had a headache for 2 days...she hasn't had one yet! It is so nice to have her here, even for just the moral support! My little one doesn't really let her do things for her yet..... which, sadly for Grammie, is actually a good thing b/c it ensures that she is bonding well to me! But, I do feel bad for Grammie sometimes! :-) It is ok, she understands and takes it all in stride.... what better Mother could a girl ask for! (I'll be in trouble for this.... but she is asleep and won't know until the morning--- I have her glasses!) She is the BEST Mom in the whole entire world! She traveled a very long way just to be able to be with me and her Granddaughter! She came to a place where it doesn't have all the luxuries of home, and doesn't even seem to care! She is here with us! She is loving me in so many unspoken ways! She is even learning some Spanish! :-) Bravo Grammie! So, thnak you for praying her here and please continue to pray for me to have wisdom, strength and courage, and for my Precious Peruvian to continue practicing that Resiliency we have been praying for! Also, pray for her bonding, it is going really well, and I pray that it will continue to do so!
Blessings to you all and here are a few pics of our day..... first official day as a Family!