Well, today didn't start off quite so well, but not everyday can be a great day! My little one has had a cold, which I am afraid Mama will be getting soon enough! But, she didn't feel well today! And, when she doesn't feel well she sort of shuts down. It was this Mama's first big challenge! She was supposed to leave and come with me for the day, but she didn't feel good, has a yucky cold, and just wasn't up for going out today. She cried several times and finally, we made progress after her nap time. She cried all the way to the little store, but after a few potato chips and time outside, she started to be ok with being outside. The good news is that even though she didn't want to leave with Mama, she still wanted Mama. All day... Mama, Mama...Mama is here she says. And still the hugs & kisses... I am waiting for the cold, I know it is coming, but you could pray that it doesn't! :-) So, even though she didn't want to go out today, she still showed strong signs of attachment and bonding, she still allowed me to care for her and feed her and put her to bed for nap time..... all great signs!
This afternoon we had her "Good-bye Party" even though she didn't leave with me afterwards.... it was far better to get the kids all sugared up on a Friday night instead of a school night! And, let me just tell you.... it was a PARTY! My little one danced her heart out had juice, sugar wafers and cake...... as did all the other children... you can only imagine! But, although it was overstimulating even for me, it was a BLAST! My precious one laughed and shouted at the top of her lungs and danced like nobody's business! I have to tell you, the girl is 3 and she has better rhythem than I do, it is INCREDIBLE! She already can here the beginning of a song and start and keep a steady beat.... AMAZING! Anyhow, the party was fun and she then gave each one of the other children one of the little goodies that I brought for them and her caregivers she gave them their gifts too..... I wasn't sure she would do it, but she LOVED it! It was beautiful to see!
Please pray for God to continue to give her the resiliency that she needs to make all of these changes, and no one can even dream of how many there are until you see it for yourself! Also, I think she knows full well that she will leave with Mama and she won't see these wonderful people and playmates again. So, please pray for her little heart and that God will heal it and protect it! Please continue to pray for me for wisdom, strength and courage in the coming days. My Peruvian SW (wonderful lady!) has to go back to Lima tomorrow to vote (voting is required here and if you don't vote you get fined a pretty hefty fine..... and there are no absentee ballots -- as they say in Spanish..."Qué pena!" What a pain!!!) So, all of that to say I will be on my own... however, as always GOD has prepared the way and I am staying at a wonderful boarding house with a lady who has worked with my little one's orphanage, has a huge heart for adoption and just loves to help out in whatever way she can! The whole staff here will wait on you hand and foot if you let them! :-) Please also pray that I don't get this cold that is trying to start... I need all of the energy I can get! :-) Thank you for your continued prayers and Praise the Lord with me that my little one is still all about her Mama and that her fiesta went really well and that she was able to break through a little bit today even though she didn't feel like it!