Thank you all for the prayers, please keep them coming! My little one was a feeling a little better today, but still not so great, so I spent the day at her home rather than trying to bring her out! She was doing much better today than yesterday though and we walked around the neighborhood 3 times today, and one time completely of her own desire, not because I made her. This is a GREAT thing. The other day when I took her out, she did really well, but yesterday she didn't want anything to do with it, but was ok after we got outside. This morning I had to kind of encourage her strongly, but then this afternoon, she put her coat on and helped me put her shoes on and was ready to Go! She has continued to allow me to do things for her, she gives me hugs and kisses and kisses me on the hand, which for children here is a really big deal! I know it is strange to us, and I honestly didn't think much about it until the directo saw her give me a kiss on the hand and told me what a big deal it was! I stayed and put her to bed. She immediately went down, but then I went back in to check on her and sit with her a bit and even though the lights were off, the minute she heard my voice she said "Mama!"/ It was really sweet! I sang to her for a bit and she learned a new song... Amazing Grace.... and she tried singing it with me. By the third verse she had down the notes almost perfectly... not the words, but the inntonations.... and she has pretty close to perfect pitch for a 3 year old! I know I sound like a bragging Mama... and I am! But, honestly it is AMAZING what she can do! Tonight, I think she made up her own song while I was getting her ready for bed! The director didn't know what she was singing and neither did I, but it was beautiful to this Mama's ears anyway!
Well, tomorrow is the day that I become a full time Mama! Oh! Please pray for me1 It is one thing to go and spend days with her with the help of her caregivers and my SW who would take pictures, etc.... but it might be an entirely different thing when I have to do it all alone1 Please pray for God to give me wisdom and strength and for my immune system to kick in and fight this cold so it doesn't become a sinus infection or worse! For those of you who know what last year was like, this is a HUGE request! Also, please pray for her to have resiliency and lots of it over the next few days to 3 weeks! She, when she is feeling well, is willing to go anywhere with me, she holds tightly to my fingers and I think she would walk for hours without complaining.... but there will come a day in the next few that she realizes she won't be returning to the only place she has ever known! I can only imagine how hard that is for a 3 year old to do! I have a hard time with it already, and it isn't even me who is having to go through it.... but I hurt for her! She is young and will bounce back, but she sometimes has a delicate disposition and there are likely to be some tough days ahead. Please pray for God to have MERCY in those days! Anyhow, tomorrow, I will go get her, bring her back to our hotel (her new home for the next 2 weeks) and if she does well, we'll go out for a bit. Then Monday, I sign the papers to take her into legal custoday. Please pray for this day, it is going to be very hard for her caregivers and the director becuase they have had her from birth. While they are so happy that she has a Forever Family, they are sad too! Last night one of her caregivers and I just cried and cried, she said the sweetest things to me, and thanked me for being a Mama for my little one! Oh, so hard! They are the only family my little one has ever known... so please pray for all of us b/c my heart breaks for my daughter and for them!
Agian, thank you for your continued prayers! And, praise the Lord with me for the amazing thing HE has done int he bonding of my little one to me! PLEASE continue to pray for this too! Praise HIM that she was willing to leave today on her own, not because Mama wanted her to! She wanted to! And, praise HIM for the sweet spirit that she has, she loves to share and to give hugs and kisses! Another huge praise.... she said Hello to strangers at least 2 times today. I prompted her to, and she did! I couldn't believe it and neither could the director! HUGE!
Praises & Blessings!
Sorry, no new pictures today, my wonderful picture taker had to go back to Lima today! Hopefully tomorrow!