We finally made it to the BIG day! My Precious Peruvian is now, Liliana Pilar Suarez! And, the Suarez family now has a new addition--- well officially --- we already added her in our hearts a long time ago! The Adoption Resolution was issued last Tuesday, but b/c of the Holy Days here in Peru, we had to wait until today to do everything! The place we had to go to was busy... not really by their standards, but it took us almost two hours to get everything done! No worries... I would have sat there for days if necessary! While there, a sweet Peruvian (Quechua) woman talked with us and asked about my little Peruvian. She was so happy for my little girl, she kept saying, "oh, she is so lucky!" Wow! I feel like I am the lucky one here... and actually "lucky" doesn't adequately describe it! BLESSED describes how I feel so much more acurately!
The last couple of days have been CRAZY to say the least! Saturday, Mom was pretty sick... poor thing! She is doing better now, thank you for your prayers! Sunday we left our hotel at 5:45 am to go to Machu Pichu. It is 2 hours by car to the train station, an hour and 1/2 on the train and then 30 mins on a bus to Machu Pichu. Well, we made it to the train station, almost missed our train (we could have only been so lucky!), barely made it on the train. We had a really nice ride with lots of beautiful scenerary that I can't even begin to describe to you! Then about 3km from the Machu Pichu station, our train DERAILED! Yes, you read it correctly... it DERAILED!!! Fortunatley, and all thanks be to God, there were no injuries, not a massive disaster or anything like that.... we just well, slipped off the track... YES, the car we were riding in! Oh my! It took them an hour and a half to get us back on track (no pun intended) and then we were off again to the Machu Pichu station! (I'll have to save the story for how they got it back on track for another time!) We got to the Machu Pichu station, met up with our guide who got us to the bus stop, caught the bus..... Mamá (Me)got pretty nauseous from the bus ride ... but was spared any embarrassment! My Precious Peruvian fell asleep on the 30 min ride and then woke up when we got off the bus..... BAD, VERY BAD! She didn't know where she was, or anything, there were people EVERYWHERE and yep, I knew it was coming.... Category 5 Meltdown! She even wouldn't take the Papa Lay I tried to give her.... I didn't know what to do! Thankfully this nice man told us to go into the restaurant there and cool her off and give her some time and we would catch a later tour. Well, this turned out good for all of us! Mom hadn't eaten all day on Saturday, Mamá was just plain hungry and already worn out.... and my Precious Peruvian needed a break from so many people! So, we caught the 2:00 tour...... well, we made it to where you start to climb to the look out point and the guide was pretty much not real impressed with our thoughts that we couldn't make it! Well, I wanted to give him a big "I TOLD you so" at the end of the day... but we climbed up anyway! Poor Mom got sick half way up and had to go back down.... my Precious Peruvian wanted to climb to the highest mountain in there and Mamá's asthma was kickin' in! Arrgghhh! Well, My little one and I kept on climbing and we finally got to the look out point, and indeed it was worth it!
For the tour, there was another 15-20 mins of climbing and then all downhill..... except their National Parks aren't quite like ours.... (this is an understatement to say the least, there was NOTHING to keep a small child from falling over the edge, except this Mamás firm grip!) it was precarious to say the least, just getting up to the look out point, I couldn't imagine having to climb more just to go back down all those steps..... so this Mamá decided to go back down the way we came! Well, my Precious Peruvian got scared on the way down.... me too, it seemed a lot scarier going down than up! She did great though! And, I have to say, even after her meltdown, within about 15-20 mins, she calmed right down, LOVED the hike to the top and was a SUPER TROOPER the rest of the day! Mind you, she hadn't had but about a 20 min nap! Well, we finally made it home late last night and all fell into bed.... EXHAUSTED! Was it worth it... YES! It was an Adventure, but there are NO trips to other countries that don't have some sort of adventure to them! Man, what a day.... but boy do we have stories to tell!
Today, I got to see my Precious Peruvian be a Super Trooper again! We did have a Category 3 meltdown while getting ready this morning, and a little bit of a foul mood at lunch time...... but she just came on back! And, she didn't get a nap again today b/c we had to be at the Office to get her birth certificate at 2:30..... and she was just great! She did wonderfully the whole time! She is soooo tired, but she just keeps on bouncing back! Thank you for thsoe prayers for resiliency and if you can keep them coming! She even let Grammie do things for her today, like help her get out of the taxi... HUGE!
Tomorrow morning we fly to Lima and begin our process of coming home! Yay! It will be a busy couple of days, so please pray that they will go well! It would be GREAT if we could come home this coming weekend, but it doesn't look like that will happen.... so probably either late Monday night we'll leave Lima or early Tuesday morning! Please pray for me, I have LOVED being here, but I am ready for home! I have had a great day, but with lots of frustrations, mostly b/c I am tired! And, then tonight, I went to get my Precious Peruvian a Charango (Peruvian guitar) and dropped it on the way back to the hotel.... I nearly had my own little meltdown! I am still pretty close! Where I dropped it is on this corner that has always been a bad spot for people to just stand and do nothing but be in the way of other's trying to get by..... so, I am really frustrated with the touristy nature of this area.... to say the least! I have been so frustrated by it, I have done very few tourist things to do... sad but true! Anyhow, I need some prayers for a fresh new attiutde and some more wisdom, strength and courage! So, thank you for praying that for me! Please also pray for Mom, she is doing better, but pray for her to get a lot better before we come home!
And, we did have Easter celebration in there too! Thank you to Aunt Stephie for the cute Easter shirt! She finally got to see her little Easter Basket this morning!Thank you for being patient the last 2 days, there was just no way I had time to blog, but I missed telling you all about each day! And, this one is really long.... sorry! I hope you enjoyed the pics from the last couple of days! Thank you again for your prayers and many blessings!