Another confession, I am letting my little one listen to her favorite music the second time through even though she needs to be asleep b/c I enjoy it so much too! Shame on me, I will probably regret it later --- but sometimes I just can't say no! :-)
Confession #3 ---- God is so good! The hotel staff here are so wonderful to me, it is as if I live here, and today Gladys recognized that I hadn't been feeling well yesterday and she offered to do things for me, like the dishes and cleaning up the floor after lunch.... wonderful lady and I ams o thankful for her!
Well, today was a little bit of a slower paced day! Today, my little one got her first real bath and hair-washing while with me! She was thrilled with the toys and played for a while, til' the water got cold! Then we got her dressed and teeth brushed and hair done.... this is still taking me FOREVER, when I get home, I am going to pay someone for some lessons in doing it quickly! My Precious Peruvian is so great though, she will let me brush her hair and play with it for hours, she never gets tired.... she just wants to help me out sometimes! But, I know she is thinking "Get on with it Mama!"
So then we went to the Plaza where we were going to feed the pigeons again.... well yesterday they were a little more agressive, today they were on an all out attack, flying everywhere, above her head, and when I tried to shoo them away, of course they all went the opposite direction, right above my little one's head.... it FREAKED her out! Of course, it would have FREAKED me out too! I felt so bad! She kind of wasn't feeling herself this morning and so after that we got lunch and dinner at the same place that has a special "walk-up" service just for me! Today, I got lunch and dinner for the two of us and we haven't left the hotel this afternoon at all! I think my little bit needed the break from the outside world and after a very long nap, we ate dinner... cleaned up, played a little and just stayed here, enjoying each other! She is off schedule, and I think it bothers me more than her, but I am trying so hard to get her back on her schedule, but each day is different and I knid of have to roll with it..... so today is another day of not being on her schedule. I find myself thinking that when we get home, it won't be nearly as difficult to establish some routine. For example, at home we give our children baths at night, but it is often times to cold to give them baths in the evening, so you have to do it mid-day..... a little tough to work that in!
One more story for the day.... there have been several people who ask me if my Precious Peruvian is my little girl, and I get to proudly say YES! Then several times now, the funniest thing has happened.... these Peruvians have said she looks like me! REALLY?!? It must be the hair! :-) I have been pondering over that for a couple of days now, and I have decided that I think they mean we look like we belong together! What a joy that is to hear! I realize that they don't quite know how to say it, but it is true, I think we look like we belong together too.... except well, I would love to have beautiful hair like hers! :-) But, in all honesty, it is just another confirmation that we are meant to be together, that God had us CHOSEN for one antoher since the beginning of time! How awesome is that!??!? He is so Amazing!
I can say this, I saw my answer for wisdom today! Thank you for continuing to pray that for me! I was able to see that the outside world was too overwhelming for my little one, almost immediately... this is after the birds.... and was able to readjust for her today. Thanks be to God for showing me when she needs a break! I am also thankful that she loves for me to do her hair and is so patient with me! I am slowly getting the hang of things, and catching on, and it makes me feel better! I am also praising God for putting people in my path to help out in endless ways possible, they are a blessing and they don't even know it! Please continue to pray for our bonding..... today with the birds she looked to me for consolation and just let me hold her.... good stuff! Another praise, she is showing resiliency... especially when it involves those potato chips! :-) Please continue to pray for wisdom, strength and courage for me, resiliency, and courage for my little love bug! Tomorrow we have another visit from the psychologist, he is wonderful and I praise the Lord for such a great psychologist....not all of them are as wonderful as he is! Please pray for this time to go well, as well! Thank you again for praying with me and standing in the gap for me!
Love & Blessings!
Some of our daily routine today! -- Sorry I keep adding images sideways... I'll get my act together soon!:-)