Then we went for lunch, and they had corn on the cob..... I am not a big corn eater, but let me tell you, I gobbled that up!! It was so yummy too! Made my tummy happy.... for a little while at least! :-) Then we had a nice leisurely nap, dinner and went for ice cream! It is so funny to see my little one eat ice cream! Every bite is a shock to her! When it first hits her mouth and is so cold, she doesn't know what to do with it.... but then it starts to melt and she can taste the sweetness..... then it is all giggles and laughter.... until... the next bite! We have had ice cream several times now and it is the same process over and over again!Too funny! Poor thing, one day she'll fuss at me for posting the following picture, but there just aren't words to describe the look on her face when the ice cream first hits... it is too cute!!
So, tomorrow's plan is to visit the Larco Mar and maybe the ocean for a minute or two. :-) Then we will begin the process of re-packing everything to get ready to come home! Yay!! I am so thankful for God's provisions, His protection and His love for us! I am so thankful that I have been able to share with others what a BIG God He is! Today, while at the market, one sweet lady thanked me for what I was doing to help her country by adopting one of their children.... Wow! It is I, who am so incredibly blessed is what I told her! What a sweet comment for her to make! I do get lots of stares and questions sometimes, but each time is a reminder of how blessed I am to have this little one's laughter fill my heart! So, thanks be to God for his love and faithfulness!