Well, let me tell you a little about my day as a full time Mama! Once we left, we came to the hotel and listened to some music ( her most FAVORITE thing to do!), and as God would have it.... the CD I had was full of songs she already knew... PERFECT! Then I changed her clothes, well some of them. I really wanted to be sure what I had for her would fit her! Some did and some was too big, believe it or not! :-) But, we got dressed and walked about outside for about an hour. I then stopped at this little café that I ate at yesterday, she would NOT go in! I have no idea why, she had gone in other stores, but wanted nothing to do with this place.... who knows? It was a little dark in there and I think that scared her. So, I placed my order and we walked for some more. When it was ready I stood at the door and paid at the door, no lie.... I was standing in the street digging out money! Oh my! Thank the Good Lord for his protection! Although, things here are really pretty safe, it was still something that isn't always the best judgement.... but terrorize my child or take my chances on some money.... well, I chose to take the chances on my money! :-) We then moved on and she was fine! I was finally able to convince her that we weren't going inside this place... oh well, no more "Inka Fe" food for a while! :-)
All in all her first day out and about has been a great one! After a very long nap.... for both of us!.... she wanted to go back out and walk around some more, so we did! I am trying to take it slow so as not to overwhelm her, but she loves being outside! She is a complete doll and again today said hello to some strangers. She doesn't like it much when they approach her and touch her, but if they allow her on her own terms she will say Hello! We made dinner at the hotel, some soup and sandwich, and she had some chips.... my girl loves her some potato chips! I can't wait to get back to the baked lays! :-). She got to Skype with Grammy tonight, she thought it was the best thing ever!! She laughed, touched the screen where her face was, said Hello and blew her kisses! Sooooo sweet! Hopefully tomorrow we can skype a little bit more. Then it was time for bedtime--- actually way past time! But, I got to surprise her with stars and the moon on her ceiling here at the hotel, just like in her room at the orphanage! Thank you Aunt Mary & Uncle Jack ---- she LOVED it! It took her a while to fall asleep because she kept saying "Mamá, la luna, la luna!" The director also sent with her, a gigantic Minnie Mouse (fake one) tha she adores and she said goodnight to it a million times and played her little love bug.... then finally drifeted off to sleep! Mama won't be too far behind her, as tomorrow will be another day of surprises!
All in all, the first day of full time Mamahood has been wonderful..... still learning a LOT, but wonderful! The only stinky part is the ddiaper! :-) Love & Blessings to you all! Praise the Lord with me for another good day and pray for tomorrow!
PS If anyone can tell me why these sippy cups with the straws pour out the contents, not just a little drip her or there, I mean LEAK... please let me know what I am doing wrong! :-)