Then, we went to see the pigeons in the Plaza de Armas. Yesterday, I just wanted to see how she would do with them so all we did was watch them, today we fed them! There was a little girl there yesterday afternoon that I told we would buy some today, when I came back this morning, she was a bit surprised and reminded me that I would buy them from her. And so I did! I don't know why she wasn't in school, but she very happily sold me the food for the pigeons..... and we fed them! My Precious Peruvian loved it! At first she wasn't sure about the birds coming close to her, but then she realized what to do and immediately loved it!
Then it was back to the hotel for a visit from the Psychologist, who is wonderful! He asked me some questions about how I planned to introduce My Precious Peruvian to her family and all of my friends and church, and these are such good questions that he needed to know that I had thought through. She is doing really well attaching to me, but she is going to need space. She has to get to know you on her own terms, not on ours. I daily have to enter her world and see the world from her perspective. I then have to take things at her pace. And, trust me, she lets me know if it is too much or not what she wants! But today, we made a big stride... she went into the pharmacy with me, she was none too happy about it at first, but once inside, she wanted to look around. She is just easily overstimulated, and I have to be careful for these things--- if a small pharmacy here overwhelms here... can you imagine Wal-Mart! Wal-Mart overwhelms Me! HaHa! She will adjust, we may just have to go at a different pace than sometimes we think we should have to go.
Then came the Pediatrician! Let's just say, it was like taking your newborn to the Dr., and they cry and wiggle the whole time... except she is 3 and it was a lot harder.... and she has teeth! She immediately didn't like him when he walked in the door, he was good though! But, she tried biting him several times, and hit him and well, cried and screamed! The thing is I can only imagine her terror, in being in a new place, with someone who she calls Mama and a bunch of other strangers! My heart went out to her! She wouldn't even let him weigh her. He had to weigh me (Oh! I love Kilograms by the way, they look so much better on the scale! ), and then weigh me holding her. The good news in all of this is that she sought me out for comfort. She didn't fight me at all, and when all was done and the Dr. was filling out the paperwork, she let me hold her and rock her and she began to sing with the music that I had hoped would calm her for his visit. Sooooo, we'll have to be sure whe have a REALLY good pediatrician! Thank goodness for the International Adoption Clinic who can help with the transition, but oh my, our first visit there will be a LONG one! But, the Dr. did give me a prescription for something for her cold and little cough she has. Tomorrow we'll do that! She did take some Tylenol pretty easily tonight though... hopefully this syrup at least tastes good.
Right now, I am posting to my little one's favorite music, a soundtrack from a movie I didn't know called "Anelie", the thing is Mama LOVES it! It is so amazing to me how God put us together and our love for music is so much the same! No kidding this soundtrack is awesome! Let's just say that my Precious Peruvian has really good taste in music! Well, she does love to hear, "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round & Round" but, she is finally sleeping soundly to her favorite music, another of the precious gifts that her Director gave me. So, praise the Lord with me for an overall good day! Pray for my sweet one to have resiliency in these changes and strangers that she faces every day! I can only imagine how difficult it is to leave the same 6 people who have cared for you everyday of your life and then move to a place where all you see is strangers every day, except for Mamá. It would be really tough! Please pray for me as I haven't been feeling so great today myself, pray that this cold will soon pass for me and that I will feel better. The good news is that the sinuses are working like they are supposed to! Yay! Anyhow, please continue to pray for good health for both of us, wisdom, courage and strength for me, and resiliency for my little one! Please also continue to pray for our bonding process to continue growing.... today was a big sign, but there is still a lot more journey left to go!
Love & Blessings!