It was actually good, (not for Mom of course!) that she didn't come until after my Precious Peruvian's naptime, b/c she was not having such a great day! There are times when she just has a moment, and it is hard to know what is wrong. I thank God everyday for the way that her orphanage has loved her in sending her favorite music with her. She did bounce back pretty good, but her naptime helped tremendously! I was afraid she didn't get all of her nap out, but she did fine.... after some cookies in the car while we went to the airport to get Grammie.... finally! I was so excited to see Mom come out of the airport (here you can't wait inside, you have to wait outside)and know that she was doing ok! Of course, you have to move fast, but unfortunately my Precious Peruvian wasn't real sure about Grammie at first. Thankfully, Grammie was well prepared for that! As we spent some time together and went to get dinner, ate and of course had some Hot Chocolate.... she is much better with Grammie being with us! She did have a small come apart with Mom and Nicolas, one of the hotel staff who was bringing up Mom's luggage, coming into her room.... so we had to play a little more music.... and she got better! (There will be a copy of this CD EVERYWHERE that she will be!) After a few minutes, she was playing along with Grammie's motions and began laughing..... it was good! --- RESILIENCY! And, after our Hot Chocolate this evening, she even came in the door and I prompted her to say "Hola Agusto".... another hotel staff person who we have seen everyday for a week and she frowns at him everytime he speaks to her... she said "Hola Agusto"! I couldn't believe my hears! And, she looked at him when she said it.... even BIGGER deal! It was so great to hear her say it! She also loved her hot chocolate experience again and laughed and played and well.... choclate, as I said before, is every girl's best friend! :-) So, another great day, even though it didn't look that way to begin with!
Sometimes things are like that.... it looks bad, but then turns out good! I am one happy girl to have my Mama here enjoying her Granddaughter..... both are now snoring in their beds! They were both tuckered out. Mom and I talked for a bit, but my Precious Peruvian, even after hot chocolate and lots of tickles, went to sleep pretty quick.... and I thought she would be up because I was up! Apparently, becuase she could hear me, she knew I was here and she was ok with it.... all week I would have been talking to myself all night, if only I had known! :-) Well, it just goes to show you never know!
I am thanking God today for getting Mom here to Cusco safely, even though it was an exhausting day for her! I am thanking God today for being able to see Resiliency in my Precious Peruvian... each day is new with her and each one is different, so sometimes you just don't know..... but I can tell you that I have seen time after time that she has been resilient in the last week! Thank you for praying for this and please continue to do so b/c as I explained yesterday, it is a minute by minute task for her! And, I am so thankful to have my Mom here with me to share this special time with me! I am so glad that she will get to see where my little one has come from.... and that she will be able to share with my Precious Peruvian her experiences of visiting her country! Joy just overflows my heart right now! Many of you wanted to see Mom's face the first time she saw my Precious Peruvian,s o I have a short little video for that and then some pics of our Chocolate Date! Love & Blessings!