On the Journey With My Chosen One!

I am sure you might wonder why I call her chosen rather than adopted.... well, adopted is just her physical condition, CHOSEN is what we both are to be a family together! God is so rich in His Blessings, and He has chosen each of us from before the time we were knit in our mother's womb to be a FOREVER family! How BIG is that? How BIG is our God!?! Thank you for following our journey and for praying for us as we wait and continue to grow in the love of God! -- Blessings!

Liliana's Verses

Matthew 17:20 - " ... For truly I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain: "Move from here to there", and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you."

Zephaniah 3:17 - The Lord your God is with you. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.

Proverbs 3:5-6 ~ Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.

Jeremiah 29:11 ~ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Silent Day

Today was a great day! We started our day off as usual, with Grammie just waiting for us sleep heads to get up! So, down to breakfast we go, then we come back here for a little bit, to get my Precious Peruvian ready for her outing to the Supermarket.... sort of like Wal-Mart.... only A LOT SMALLER! But, away we went in a tzxi to get to the one that wasn't nearly as crowded as the first I had been too... and actually had a few "American" things. We didn't buy much, just the necessities... but my Precious Peruvian did great amongst all the isles and everything. She got to "push the cart"....she thought that was the best thing ever! They even have those carts with the little cars for the kids to ride in, and a man and his wife were pushing one b/c it was all they had left for them when they got there.... I think he was hoping I would take it off of his hands.... but what a generous offer to give it to my Precious Peruvian! :-)

Then came the BIG DEAL!! My Precious Peruvian went inside the restaurant that she has refused to enter for the last 10 days! She even sat down and we had lunch there! Oh my... what a HUGE step! It was a great step in her growth! Then she woke up today from her nap and we had to go back out again and buy her plane ticket to Lima from Cusco for next Tuesday! This required a little walking b/c I didn't know exactly where it was, but we made lots of new discoveries along the way! She went in, sat in her own chair like a little Princess, almost as if she knew it was for her! So cute!

In addition to this, we also made our reservations to take the train to see Machu Pichu.... with the help of our wonderful hotel owner, who helps organize tours, that this would be best and she assured this nervious Mamá that all adoptive families who go are nerous about how their little ones will do, but they all come back saying that their little ones loved it! So, we are going to give it a go! We go on Sunday morning (REALLY EARLY!!) and come back Sunday evening. It seems a bit strange to go sightseeing on Easter Sunday, but what a great day to celebrate the beauty of God's Creation and the gift of architecture and building that He gave people so long ago! So, Sunday we'll rejoice in our Savior at sunrise and all through the day!

So, today was anything but silent! :-) But, again, that is just a formality.... after the holidays (Thurs -Sunday) on Monday we get her new birth certificate.... yay! I pray I am not speaking too soon, but I have to give God glory for the fact that my Precious Peruvian seemingly understands that this is permanent, Mamá isn't going anywhere.... and Grammie, well she is a nice addition.... especially when she gives her hamburgers, french fries and Pringles potato chips.... don't worry she still calls them Papa Lay (said Pa-pa Lie)! Too funny! I am praising God for another great day, and please continue praying for more of those as we press on a little further ahead each day! Tomorrow we are going to be turists and go shopping for things to give her on each one of her "Blessing Days" until she turns 18. I already have some things in mind, I have just been waiting! :-) So, again, I thank you for your prayers and I am so thankful... keep them coming our way! More tomorrow!